So this week has been a bit of a blur, but I'm enjoying myself in Greenwich. This is very much helped by the temperature being 30C+ most days, which is great - it feels a lot like being in the South of France at the moment. Yesterday I went yachting with Tom, and I'm planning to do a little more sailing in the next month or so. I've also been swimming in a couple of people's pools - again, very good.
However the bulk of my time is not spent sunning myself, but inside in the office working hard - I'm making progress with Ephesians. It's striking that what Paul prays for the Christians he writes to in Ephesians is not that their life would be easier, or that they'd not suffer. Instead Paul prays for a greater knowledge of the love of Christ - this is what he thinks will change the Christians in Ephesus. I've been thinking through how I pray - do I pray this for individual Christians? I'm also about to start studying Acts, which we're doing for the Men's Breakfast. I wanted to start this last week, but I've been kept a little busy.
In terms of personal stuff, it's been a little frustrating as I don't yet have a social security number - I'll be able to pick one up on Tuesday. When I have this I can open a bank account, book a driving test and generally settle into live a little more. This will be much appreciated - I'm getting around by bike at the moment, which is fine but Greenwich is pretty spread out (largely due to the fact everyone has a plot of land the size of Devon), so I'm pretty reliant on being picked up for every single social occasion.
I hope everything is well - the forecast tomorrow is clear blue skies and 32C, so I'm off to the beach. Nice. I'd value your continued prayers:
- Greenwich so far has been great - I'm very much enjoying it
- Making decent progress on study for bible studies
- smooth progress on all the other admin needed with the US Government
- that I'd be making progress on the study this week and be "teaching myself first".
Woop. Great news bud. Hope all goes well with sailing, studying and getting life sorted.